Home Videos EPC Tibet 600 thousand ta Lead- Zinc Processing Plant

Tibet 600 thousand ta Lead- Zinc Processing Plant

2016-05-27   XinHai    Views (866)

Tibet 600 thousand t/a Lead-Zinc Processing Plant is an EPC project undertaken by Xinhai.

The whole lead- zinc dressing plant is made up of crushing&screening workshop,grinding workshop, flotation workshop and concentrate dewatering shop/dehydration workshop

The crushing&screening processes adoptes the 3-phrase 1-circuit technological process ,the ore flow to the jaw crusher for the coarse crushing by heavy-duty plate feeder with 500mm feed size.Through the cyclincal movement of the moblie jaw that the swings around the fixed jaw materials between the 2 jaws are extruded.

The coarse crushing products are transported to double-layer circular vibrating screen for screening ny the 1#belt conveyor.

The vibrator rotats generates centrifugal force and drives the vibration of the screen box,which is the vibrating object with the motion likely circular movement trail.

The materials on screen are transported to cone crusher for intermediate crushing by 2#belt conveyor and that of sub-layor are also transported to cone crusher for fine crushing by3#belt conveyor , the intermediate and the fine crushing products return circular vibrating screen for screening the accpetable products of sub-layer under screen with -12mm particle size are transported to fine ore bin by4#belt conveyor.

The grinding worksshop process adopts the 1-phase grinding&classifying technological process.

The materials are fed into ball mill by belt frome fine ore bin and the feed size is-12mm.

They are crushed by the falling impacts and autgenous grinding the steel balls and ores in the cyclinder.

Due to the continuouslsy feeding materials ,the pressure pushes materials to the outlet and the grinded materials are discharged from the cylinder outlet through cyclinder screen, the unqualified products in discharged materials return ball mill for regrinding and the qualified ones are trnasported to hydrocyclones by slurry pump.

The coarse particles rotate out side under large centrifugal force,finally the setting sand is discharged,the fine particle rotate above the center under small centrifugal force and the overflow is discharged.

The setting sand returens ball mill for regrinding and the overflow becomes the qualified product of grinding phase

The differential floatation technological process is used for floataion workshop.Leafd-antimony bulik flotation adopts the 1-rough,3-scavengig and 3-concentrating process.

The overflow from the hydrocyclone of grinding workshop flows into the agitaiton tank automtaically for rough scavenging.

The rough concentrate flows into SFflotation cell for concenrtrating.The Zinc-sulfur bulk flatation adopts the 1-rough flotation process,the slurry flows into XHF/BSFflaotation cell unit for rough scavenging firsly and then roughing concentrate flows into the SF flotation cell for concentraing,

The flotation celll is equipped with agent preparation room and agent wharehouse.

The 2-phase ,mechanization dewatering/dehydration technologial process is used for the lead and zinc concentrate

The first phrase adopts updates high-efficiency thickener for priamry dewatering, the flotaion concentrate is conveyed into thickener by pump. The solid particle suspended in slurry settles down by gravity .

The sludge at the bottom is continouly scrapped to center discharge port by scrapping rake and discharged . the second phrase adopts ceramic filter and the water of final concemtrate is 9%.

The producity of the lead-zinc ore procesing project is 10.9% and the productivity of zinc concentrate is 2.58%;the lead grade is 32.17% and the zinc grade is 59.9%.

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